Our mission

1. We are committed to performing works in impoverished areas to improve the educational environment, advocate and promote the protection of children and adolescents, implement community sustainable development projects and child-centred humanitarian assistance.

2. We adopt diversified approaches to tackle children's rights issues, trying our best to provide children with the right to health, food, and education, and create more opportunities for children and youth to participate in world affairs.

3. We oppose violence and discrimination, and strive to ensure that children and adolescents, especially girls and women, are treated equally and free from violence and discrimination through our actions.

4. We endeavour to help all children obtain high-quality elementary education so that all children have equal rights to education.

5. We encourage all people to create a social environment conducive to the protection of children. No child should be harmed by violence, abuse, or exploitation. We take action to reduce the harm suffered by children when their rights are threatened.

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Company is the most long love confession.